This is a quick, simple and dirty script to extract the contents of a Python module and store it in a QScintilla/Eric4 API file.
An exporter class for the vanilla2export.php script.
The croncommand module allows you to register a ``cron`` command with paster. The aim of this command is to give your Pylons application the ability to run a set of scheduled tasks via a UNIX cron job.
A script to update the permissions after importing data from Drupal.
#!/usr/bin/python # # Simple Face Detection using OpenCV. # Usage: python import sys import os.path from PIL import Image from import cvCreateImage, cvSize, cvCvtColor, CV_BGR2GRAY, \ cvCreateMemStorage, cvClearMemStorage, cvEqualizeHist, IplImage, \ cvLoadHaarClassifierCascade, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, \ cvHaarDetectObjects from opencv.highgui import cvLoadImage from pprint import pprint WIDTH_RATIO = 0.87378640777 HEIGHT_RATIO = 1.14444444444 def resize_and_crop(image,
This is a quick, simple and easy script to convert a Luminous database to version 1.0
My original "make vhost" script for creating new virtual hosts on my web server at home.
A desktop file to add a QBazaar submenu to the KDE service menu.
This is a quick, simple and easy script to search a Quassel database (SQLite only) for some text in your backlog.
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import subprocess import re PYLINT = '/usr/bin/pylint' BASE_PATH = sys.argv[1] OUTPUT_FILE = None EXTRA_LIBS = [ ] DISABLED_SETTINGS = [ ] IGNORE_PATTERNS = [ ] ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS = [ ] CODE_RATING = re.compile(r'Your code has been rated at ([-0-9.]*)/10 \(previous run: ([-0-9.]*)/10\)') FILE_NAME = re.compile(r'[-a-zA-Z0-9_/]*\.py') def setup_paths(): old_pythonpath = None old_path = os.environ['PATH'] for path in EXTRA_LIBS: os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + path if not os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH"): os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = '' else: old_pythonpath = os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] for path in EXTRA_LIBS: os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] += os.pathsep + path return old_path, old_pythonpath def reset_paths(old_path, old_pythonpath=None): os.environ['PATH'] = old_path if old_pythonpath: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = old_pythonpath else: del os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] def construct_command(): command = [PYLINT, BASE_PATH, '-f', 'parseable'] if DISABLED_SETTINGS: command.append('--disable=%s' % ','.join(DISABLED_SETTINGS)) if IGNORE_PATTERNS: command.append('--ignore=%s' % ','.join(IGNORE_PATTERNS)) if ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS: command.extend(ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS) return command def run_pylint(): os.chdir(BASE_PATH) command = construct_command() try: output = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: output = e.output match = if not match or float( < float( exitcode = 1 else: exitcode = 0 if OUTPUT_FILE: with open(OUTPUT_FILE, 'w') as fd: fd.write(output) return exitcode, output def add_file_paths(input): output = '' for line in input.split('\n'): if FILE_NAME.match(line): output += '%s/%s' % (BASE_PATH, line) else: output += line output += '\n' return output def main(): old_path, old_pythonpath = setup_paths() exitcode, output = run_pylint() output = add_file_paths(output) reset_paths(old_path, old_pythonpath) print output sys.exit(exitcode) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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