Open Source Software

Saturn Laboratories is actively involved in the open source community. From writing open source software, to promoting open source software, to helping others in the open source community.

Open Source Solutions

Saturn Laboratories, as an active proponent of open source software, uses open source software in all of our solutions. Our speciality is web-based software, using the "LAMP" open source stack - though we prefer Python to PHP.

Lucid LoCo Released!

Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to you, the source code of the Lucid LoCo Drupal Theme, a theme I modeled after the colours of the new Ubuntu theme.Read more

Lucid LoCo - An Ubuntu LoCo Theme for Drupal

The last few weeks I've been working on another site design. This one has been for my Ubuntu LoCo (Local Community). Our website died a few months ago, ad we decided to redo it using Drupal, since it was mostly static anyways, and with this in mind I embarked on a new theme to match the new look coming out with the release of Lucid Lynx.Read more

Creating a slideshow for

Last night while chatting to my brother about improving his music site, I had the idea to add a nice JavaScript slideshow on the front page (and only on the front page) to make his site look slicker and more professional.Read more

Projects I am involved with.

As the home page of this site alludes to, I spend much of my free time writing open source software. I thought I should just expand a bit on what software I contribute to, and what my role is in each project.Read more

A pleasing design

Recently my brother came to me with a request to do his web site. He had a colour scheme in mind, and some elements of designs that he liked. What a pleasure to have someone who has a good idea of what they want! So I had a look at all of these, and started working at it.

Of course the down-side to someone like that is that often they will look at something you've done, and they won't like it. Then you have to go back to the drawing board and start again. Mind you, it's the same for folks who have no idea of what they want.Read more

Saturn Laboratories 2.0: The Revision

I have finally updated my site, after what must be about 5 years of static content. This time I've decided to use the open source content management system Drupal. I've used Drupal for a number of the sites I've created for people, and I find it a pleasure to work with.